February 1, 2010


WHAII can't i study my Economics books like how i study Harper's Bazaar?

WHAII can't i remember the terms in Biology like how i remember the names/types/brands of stuff in the fashion world?

WHAII isn't Shopping a subject in STPM?

WHAII am i so short?

WHAII do u get varicose veins after too much of killer heels?

WHAII am i born in Malaysia?

WHAII is my hair naturally curly?

WHAII am i getting old so fast? I'm not that into sweet things and more into oldies. Sheesh.

WHAII do i not have facial features like Kim Kardashian? (not her arse, though)

WHAII am i asthmatic?

WHAII is everything around me so against me, trying to prevail from getting involved in a BGR atm?

WHAII are there so many idiots in the world, trying to destroy the Earth God has created for us to inhabit, and making all of us suffer for their deeds? GLOBAL WARMING SUX TO THE MAX!

WHAII does form 6 students have to suffer with the other school students instead of having a separate (comfy) building for those sitting for one of the most tough exams in the world?

Oh well, i think i just gotta live with all these. At least, for now.

"Star of Bethlehem"

Seeing pictures like this make me go 'awwww'.
Am i at that stage already?
I hope not.


Unknown said...

Everything happens for a reason and the reason is to serve you. God gives you all these as His gift to you. Do appreciate it as someday you might know why He gave it to you. :)

fwJL said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Anne. Although i sound distressed, i'm actually not :)

Unknown said...

Lol...then I'll just take it as a random post. :P