February 10, 2010

music to my ( our ) ear (s)

A few of my favourite stuff that Sophie Kinsella said in one of the articles she wrote in a magazine,
For those who DON'T know who is Sophie Kinsella, OMG la wei.
Anyway, she's the author for the Shopaholic series. And no, i'm not praising her.
It's just that we share a common ground. Except for the difference in wealth and fame and location. lol

"Done right, shopping is an empowering, life enhancing act of joy - a form of self-expression."
"Shopping colours our lives. It's not just about the objects themselves; it's about the seeking, the hunting. It's about the emotional charge that any great purchase gives us, whether it's the rush of power at finally acquiring a designer classic, the frisson of going over budget, or the satisfaction of scoring the bargain of the decade."

"Another joy : finding the thing you never knew you needed. "
"We shop because we're worth it - because we deserve it. ..... we developed a 'celebratory spree' habit. After every successful pitch or draft, we would high-five it and zoom to Marc Jacobs on Meirose as fast as we could for a joyous 'well done, us' experience."

"It must be in out genetic make-up : the need to better our surroundings, to prettify ourselves, to stock up. (A great term, "stock up". It sounds so prudent and far-sighted : I'll just stock up on some of these Missoni wedges.") "
.... and my personal favourite :
"I'll never stop shopping; I'll never feel guilty about it or stop taking joy in it. Why should I? With every spree, I'm giving myself a mood-enhancing buzz, I'm boosting the world's economy... and I'm getting all this gorgeous stuff. Really, what's not to love?"

Like, total loveliness, right?
Haha. Love her loads. Smooches.

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