August 14, 2011

Nice guys finish last

Why do we girls date bad guys?

Why are we more attracted to someone who does NOT fall head over heels for you rather than someone who does?

Why do we stay in a relationship with that jerk even though we fight all day long?

Why do we pay more attention to that guy in the back of the class that ignores you completely rather than that guy next to you who talks to you every chance he gets?

Why do we think of that guy who does not call us back more than that guy who texted us his number?

Why don't fishes have boobs wtf.

That's a mystery that even we girls can't solve.

So live with it.

(Yeah i just watched 209 nigahiga youtube clips instead of the LCW vs LD match and updating it on Facebook every 0.24 seconds cos i'm patriotic like that)

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