August 3, 2011

Missing this and that.

Dammit i suck at titles lah -.-


I have 15 more days till i'm officially a university student. It's not a big deal, yet it is me moving on to the next phase in life. I don't know if i should be as relaxed as i am now, cos i just heard on CNN today that scoring well in your exams is also a form of investment. Educational investment. Like should i start studying now wtf T.T

But i went out with a few girlfriends earlier and talked about how we should enjoy our teenage lives (and study too lah of course) and not dedicate our heart, soul and mind to our studies. WHICH HAS MY 101% SUPPORT. Cos i am all into not stressing yourself too much over exams but will the accounting path be too much for such a stress-free girl like me to handle? Oh well i guess i'll just have to take things one at a time and deal with them as they come. Since i've chosen this path, i got to deal with it, right? *nudges Charissa.

My mom is asking me to pack ALREADY. 15 days not enough for me to pack is it omggg i refuse to pack so early and the reason is not because i want to rebel (i'm soooo over that stage of life already lol) but it's because i have this habit of the more time i spend to pack, the more things i tend to pack. I'll start asking stupid questions like "What if i suddenly cut myself on a rusty gate while innocently walking on the streets?" and then i conveniently throw that tube of Polysporin into my bag, and then "What if i run out of packet tissues and am soo busy i couldn't find time to go buy more?" and then i grab 2 packs of packet tissues and extra of everything else because must have extra everything for 'what if' moments. So, i have ultimately decide to NOT pack till maybe the last 4 or 3 or 2 or the last day before i leave.

And it hit me real hard that there is no place like home. And yet i'm leaving home, for good now. Not to say that i won't come back anymore, but even if i do come back, it's not for permanent anymore. I have to bid farewell to my room for i won't be living here anymore. And i get kinda emotional *sniff. Out there, i got to pay for a room half the size of my current room with a mere 1 hp aircon, a 2 doors wardrobe and a study table enough to fit one laptop and a cup at the side only wtf. I will definitely, definitely, definiteeeeeeeeely miss my queen sized bed, 5 doors wardrobe, full length mirror, balcony, my study table with 1001 compartments to force me to organize my things because i'm such a disorganized person like that and my own personal attached bathroom :(

Why is it that us humans are designed to take things for granted and not appreciate things until we loose them in the end? Okay actually i do appreciate everything that i have up till now a lot so that doesn't apply to me entirely but i am starting to miss those things when i haven't even left them yet! And i'm definitely be missing the roads of Teluk Intan which only takes 15 minutes to reach one end of the town from the other end of the town. Imagine the amount of time in my life i'll be wasting when i'm going to commute around KL!  #smallvillagegirlgoingtobigbadtownthinking.

Fyi i'm not emoing now lah okay just that i think i left my camera in KL from the recent trip so i can't upload any random photos on the go and i am already feeling lazy to blog day by day. Maybe it's time to go get a life and stop being so active on facebook, twitter and blogger. Okay bye bye.

Naaaaaaaaaaaah i'm too boring to give all that up :P But anyway i'll go to sleep now (even though i had 11 hours of sleep last night + 2 hours nap earlier in the evening) help lah how to sleep less T.T

Okay good night (:

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