April 21, 2010

Bahasa Malaysia

I realised i'm using alot of BM in my sentences nowadays.
Not that i like BM that much.
Well, minus the tatabahasa and all,
it's actually fun to converse with.
It's like our own Malaysia's secret code thingy.
Gives us a sense of familiarity.
1 Malaysia , dudes.

I do text in BM with pim most of the time.
Rojak BM, that is.
campur BI dgn BM sikit-sikit.
But nowadays it seemed to have seeped into my other conversations.

I'm ok with rojak BM, unless it takes me more than a second to read their sentences.
like this :


Aaron Ti said...

u havent seen kelantan one.. LOL!

jumei said...

Heh, there's lots of BM "dialects" ! Like, people in Sarawak speaks different than the people here, in oh so glorious, TI.

We call it sepinggan nasi.
They call it setapak nasik.

Btw, I think, in this case, it's like the Taiwanese, not understanding Malaysian hokkien.