July 17, 2011

Now what?

Well, my placement for an IPTA might not be a secret anymore since it's all over facebook even though i did not update on my status or shout it out loud anywhere. And since most of my readers are on my list in facebook... Oh well.

When i first saw the result on the screen saying that i was accepted into UniMaS for International Economics, i was a tad bit happy, actually. Because deep down, my heart and my brain knew that i wasn't that all for accounting. But still, i'm looking for a loophole or thinking about enrolling in a private university so that i'm able to study accounting.

WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?????!!!!!??!?!?!?!??

One of my friend just asked me something regarding accounting barely 15 minutes ago, and it was a really basic thing. I don't remember how to do it, but i remembered it was a basic thing. So i frantically flipped through my old books and notes while i calmly asked him to "hold on while i refer to my old notes". This struck me like a lightning. Or maybe like a lorry falling on an ant. Cos it really did hit me, hard on the head. I just remembered how much i HATED doing accounting in the beginning, and how i struggled with the ever-changing debit credit entry. Or maybe it's just because i was slow huhuhu.

Thinking that i'd 'just' suffer 3 years and then i can have a slightly smoother sailing life after graduation.. That was just plain naive. I completely forgot how the word suffer means back then, because it was so long ago. And university level accounting is not the same as STPM accounting. Am i really up to it? Can i really survive without hanging myself during finals or something wtf. Maybe it's a way of God telling me not to do it *finding excuses* But still.. Sigh.

Tell me of Your way, Lord. I'm like, kinda dying from making decisions here T___T

Apparently, these will be waiting for me in Kuching, according to Google.

What? You're not packing your bags to fly to Kuching already? I'm halfway to the airport now! - mentally wth.

And according to google, my future university would look like this :

If it doesn't look like this when i get there (if i get there) can i sue Google? Charissa would help me hahaha. It's so ironic when she was gonna leave M'sia and i was supposed to stay in Malasia (peninsular) and then when the IPTA results came out, it was the opposite. Well, both stays in M'sia but i (might) leave Peninsular Malaysia and she stays in Peninsular Malaysia. Bah.

Oh well. It's time for deep thinking again and maybe getting all emo again wtf is that all i'm made of? T.T Fail. Okay time for tea bye bye

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