I accidentally dyed my hair into this colour. It was meant to be a lot more dark, and more RED. But.... Oh well. Hair saloons have this thing against me. ALL of them. It's like they have this National Hair Saloon Association and at their AGM, they'll mention NEVER TO GIVE FIONA WONG JIA LI (I/C num : ************) THE HAIR THAT SHE WANTS, EVER.
Despite all the efforts of buying colour hair shampoo, buying hair vits for coloured hair, and applying serum for coloured hair (they are all supposed to 'retain' the hair colour and shine, FYI)....
My hair still transformed into this in less than a month:
Fully lala-fied.
I might as well buy some stripy leggings, puffy red polka dots skirt with a torn top with studs all over to match this hair.
Am a bit depressed but i think i'll live with it. Itching to straighten it but i dread the look that i'll have after doing it (115.6% lala-fied look).
Aaaaaand, since i was taking picture of my hair i thought of.....
Camwhoring a little bit although i am highly NOT photogenic and am having my naked face with super hugeass dark circles cos it was CNY season and u never get to sleep early during CNY (:
When will my hair ever grow?
Good night sweet dreams (:
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