November 1, 2010

this and that.

I'm on a facebook fast now. haha. not that i was a facebook addict before, i just log in almost everyday but i don't stay on it for more than 15 minutes each 'session'. haha anyways i filtered facebook notification messages in my gmail.

It's no biggie besides the fact that i'm missing out quite alot of updates about my friends (classmates). cos their lives practically revolve around facebook, so they update stuff about them quite often on their status and then talk about it in school. it's like, they say smth, and i go "whaaat?" and they say "oh, it was on her status yesterday". =.=

Not like it's anything new, cos most of them update their status in chinese and i couldn't freaking read them if they start typing some difficult words and i gotta use the Google translator for it. Google translator translates like shit, but the message goes through. haha.

I just realised i couldn't study like the way i used to. in form 5. not that i just realised it, but it just HIT me hard now, y'know? lol. i'm tired of studying. bleh.

I'm getting fatter and fatter by the day even though i've cut back on junk food and tonnes of chocolate intakes and ice cream and cheese and milk and toasts with thick layer of butter and all those. didn't say i stopped taking them, but i've definitely cut back. i'm even eating OATS now for crying out loud -.- I NEED LIPOSUCTION!
and plastic surgery to fix my nose. i think my eyes are shrinking. my boobs too. but my flabs are growing.
bangs head on the wall lol.

I need killer stillettos. no. i need more flats. i'm getting vericose veins it's so annoying i wanna cry T.T from now on i gotta wear heels only to functions and stuff that i'm not gonna stand for too long. i hope i can keep that personal oath lol heels are impossible to resist! i have a thousand things to buy but i have so little money. i wanna work and earn money and buy a gazillion stuff.

I just learnt contouring and it rocks my socks! [haha adapted the socks thing from youth fellowship 2 weeks ago. rhymes, doesn't it?]

I think my perm is getting a little loser. but still so darn small :S

Oh, and i'm starting to embrace the beauty of having black hair. but i'm comparing myself to those super hawt korean actresses which is not a good comparison but wth i'm an asian :) i've always thought of how to fit dying my hair into my busy schedule between finishing my exam and going to KL to catch my flight. but i think i'll give it a rest and dye my hair when i'm back from the states.

Okay enough slacking. back to studying again. sigh. what life do i have?

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