April 15, 2010

fwJL facts #9

1. My bladder can sense my maths teacher. cun right.

2. I really beh tahan people that take other vehicles for granted and do not turn on their vehicle's signals.

3. Ice creams = paracetamol. Works for me.

4. I used to have a life. Now that i'm in solitude, i'm so plain and boring. And i think i'm a mild facebook addict. Ewww.

5. Believe it or not i don't fancy air-cond. Unless there is an absolute need, like these few days. Scorching heat. Beh tahan.

6. Small things really bother me big time. Annoying gila.

7. I hate Calvin Ho En Yao. Aha i got the spelling correct =D

8. When i said i have the best of both worlds, i meant :
I can converse both in Chinese dialects/Mandarin and English. Si-beh proud nehh.
I listen to both Chinese and English songs.
I listen to both oldies and the newest songs on the billboards.

9. I'm still finding for some loopholes to get a tattoo from this :
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28

Suggestions, anyone?

10. I should really refrain from internet access. And that will be the laptop and my phone. Siao ah. Maybe i should use the Nokia 3310 for the time being. For academic's sake. Eh cannot lah. So heavy. =.=


blur said...

为何你讨厌 Calvin Ho?我听说他是个不错的男人呢。。哈哈^^

fwJL said...

哟...不要praise你自己可以吗?想呕啊! =.=