May 25, 2011

I ain't stupid, i am four.

Do you know when is my favourite time for my current job? It's when all the kids are asleep, and i'm doing my own work, and suddenly one kid decides not to sleep and come sit beside me QUIETLY (i can't stress enough on this word lol) and sees what i'm doing. Like such.

Buuuut, at some point he/she will get sick of being quiet and start talking. And talking. And talking. And talking. About what, you might ask. And my answer would be EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN WTF.

But don't be deceived by his tender age of four. He was talking to me about his dad's four wheel drive okay lol he asked me where did i park my car. In chinese, "Ni park ni de che zai na li?". And when i showed him, he said my car isn't good because the wheels are small (OMG?????) and yada yada he said his dad's car is good because it can go on rocks and water. I'm assuming he's talking about being off-road and stuff.

So much for being four!

The entertaining part of my job is that i get to see weirdsomeness. As such.
SO FREAKING CUTE CAN OR NOT?! Okay maybe from the picture you don't see his cuteness you gotta start talking to him and communicating with him to realise that he's actually freaking cute from the inside out. (Note this all of you who practise favouritism ahem including me)

When the teachers are tying the girls' hair after their daily noon nap, he was saying that he want to tie his hair too. And just to play along with his little joke, the teachers told him to bring his own band so that they can tie for him the next day. HE FREAKING BROUGHT IT THE NEXT DAY OKAY LOL don't worry he's not gay he's just being cute (: I hope.

Tadaaaa cuteness overflows!

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